Chris Waba
Training Plan for the Lake Central Middle School Staff

    Four years ago a technology committee was established at Madison Middle School.  As part of their responsibility, they design staff development interest sessions.  This committee decided that there would be 12 interest sessions throughout the year.  Each sessions topic is an interest or a need identified by our staff through a survey that was conducted at the end of the year.  Some of the identified topics are PowerPoint, multi-media software, spreadsheet, database, Hyperstudio, and laser disk usage.

    These technology sessions have been titled "Tech Tuesday".   The sessions will be held on a Tuesday at 7:30 am or 3:30 PM.  The times are alternated to include staff members that are involved in extra curricular activities.

    The presenters for these sessions are staff members or when necessary, individuals outside our district.  This committee has identified at least two people to present for each "Tech Tuesday" topic.  These individuals are educators who use these activities as integrated classroom applications or for personal use in designing a lesson.

        I am responsible for demonstrating PowerPoint for my "Tech Tuesday" topic.  This will be a hands on presentation where the participants will construct a simple PowerPoint presentation. I plan on sharing some PowerPoint presentations that my sixth grade students have constructed throughout the school year.


    The Madison Middle School Staff will be invited to attend the session titled:  "PowerPoint: What are you waiting for?"


    The participants will create a PowerPoint presentation and discover ways to integrate PowerPoint  into their classroom.



    This activity will take place on September 15, 1998 before school from 7:30 to 8:00 am


    The assessment for this activity will be a written reflection from the participants.

click here for the PowerPoint presentation that I will use. (when finished you will return to my step by steps)
Training plan Schedule